Our Leadership

Minister: Bryan Johnston
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller

Our Deacons:

-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill

Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.

We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults. We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade

Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Revelation
Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM

(Drive-Up Meals & Pantry Available!

New Website Feature Added

New Website Feature Added

     New Website Feature: In the upper-right-hand end of the Navigation Bar you can now choose between 3 different background colors to find the one easiest for you to read. Also, you'll see an option " - A + " that lets you change the size of the text on the screen in case you need bigger or smaller writing. Hope this makes things easier for visitors!

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