Our Leadership

Minister: Bryan Johnston
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller

Our Deacons:

-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill

Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.

We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults. We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade

Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Revelation
Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM

(Drive-Up Meals & Pantry Available!

Minute Message:"Count The Cost"

Minute Message:"Count The Cost"

       My wife and I decided to do some upgrades in our master bathroom. We tore the old bathroom apart with some help of some friends. The fun began. We knew what we wanted but we failed to do one important thing-find out how much it would cost and how long will it take. Now that we no longer have a bathroom we are getting the sad news. Cost is exceeding our estimates and, the guy helping us said “I will do all I can to finish by Thanksgiving but I will need to work Saturdays as well as the rest of the week.”

       Have you ever noticed that there are some people who have to find things out the hard way? O well, it is what it is, we push on. I’m thankful we have quality individuals helping us. They are excellent at their profession.
Jesus once said that before we become one of His followers, we need to count the cost. Too many find it easy to become a Christian, but few are willing to become genuine followers of Jesus. You see this when a person becomes a Christian and then when difficulties come they give up and return to their old ways. Jesus never promised an easy road. For Him, if you wish for a crown, you need to carry a cross.

Please come and worship with us Sunday, and as we always want you to remember: EVERYONE is welcome here. The weak, the strong, the good, the bad. Jesus made His sacrifice for all of us, and we have a seat for everyone.


On behalf of the membership,

Norm Russell.

Minute Message: Change Your Focus

Minute Message: Change Your Focus

Sometimes you just have to conclude there are things you can do nothing about. Youwatch the news and are furious when you see justice denied those who deserve it. You have a child that has chosen the wrong path and you see them rushing headlong toward destruction. Painful though it can be, you can do nothing about it. You see a colleague receiving treatment that is undeserved or should be directed at yourself, but you know you can do nothing about it. The list could get rather lengthy, but my point is we can get upset and even extremely angry about a situation but it does no good. Instead, we need to focus our attention on that which is in our control and dismiss what is not. It is a truism, you can only do something about that which affects you. You can control how you react to certain situations. Your emotions are yours and they belong to no one else.

I encourage you to focus on yourself and your family. You are not responsible for how others act and you are not in control of what people do including your family members. Be concerned for others, love people, see good in all that you see, and most important, get your life right with God and live for eternity. It will change your life. That you can do something about.

Please come and worship with us Sunday.And remember that EVERYONE is welcome here.

"Pride" - Minute Message 10-24-15

"Pride" - Minute Message 10-24-15

     It is something of interest that in our culture we have made a virtue of something that God hates. In Proverbs 6, the writer says “there are six things that God hates. Seven are an abomination.” He then begins to list those seven things and the first on the list is “Haughty eyes.” That is just another way of saying “pride.” Proverbs 6:16, 17. The reason this is first is because it is the root cause of the other six.


      When we allow pride to infiltrate our lives, it brings about untold problems. Marriages are devastated, churches suffer, businesses become stagnant, and personal relationships are damaged. We all feel we need to take pride in our work, our personal worth, and our independency. If we are saying we want to maintain a certain standard, then we have no quarrel. However if we allow pride to consume us then that is another issue. When we became prideful, then only ugliness surfaces. When Barbara Boxer told a military general that she wanted to be addressed as “senator” because she earned it and worked hard for it, that was the ugliness of pride on display. She will be forever remembered for it. How are you doing with pride? You cannot defeat it on your own.


     Please come and worship with us Sunday, and remember: EVERYONE is welcome here.


Do Not Worry - by Michael Inman

 "The Lord answered Moses, Is the Lord's arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you." Numbers 11:23


     Many wish they could quit doubting the Lord, give up worrying, and stop questioning when things don't go as they think it should. Circumstances in life are often so confusing. A child lies sick, awaiting death from cancer. A couple struggles in their marriage after many seemingly-happy years. A faithful worker finds himself out of a job, desperately in need of income. We see these things, and many more, and with our minds we struggle. Where is God? Why so much suffering?
     Then go to the Scriptures and read over and over again His promises, His assurances. I don't always find explanations, and I certainly do not find easy fixes. But I do find His faithfulness, His power, His compassion.
     "Is the Lord's arm too short?" He asks. "Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill" (23:19)? I read Jesus' words, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life..." (Matthew 6:25). And with my heart I rest. I need not doubt; I need not worry; I need not fear. I may not understand, but I know I can trust Him.

     Insight: With my mind I struggle, Lord, but with my heart I rest. So trust God, and rest.

Making Choices - Minute Message

Making Choices - Minute Message

Choices, everywhere you turn, you are called on to make choices. The super market provides you with an abundance of options. Not only are there numerous brands of the same product, but there are various sizes as well. The department store calls on you to make a decision as to what to buy. Will it be the red shirt or the blue one? Do you wish to purchase the brown shoes or black ones? Some choices are based on preference, while others are according to value.


Joshua led Israel in battle against the inhabitants of Canaan. Following the defeat of the enemy, he called the people together and said “Choose today who you will serve . . .” He gave them an option, either serve the gods of their enemy or the God who delivered them from Egypt and gave them victory over the Canaanite people.
Today you and I are confronted with those same options. We can serve the god of power, the god of success, the god of pleasure, the god of self, the god of wealth, or the God of heaven. What choice will you make? Some have chosen one or more of the above, ignoring the God of heaven while others have attempted to make Him a choice along with the others. However, God will not share His glory with others. It is either Him or them. Which will you choose?

Please come and worship with us Sunday, and remember: EVERYONE is welcome here.


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